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The "4th" Trimester

Megzie Moments

Everyone tells you how amazing it is to have kids... and whilst yes it is true to have that little person you created smile and get excited when they see you. No one ever tells you how truly hard it is once the baby is here and your life flips completely upside down.

I think we all know that I did not enjoy pregnancy and I most definitely did not enjoy birth even if it was an "easy" birth in comparison to others. Yes I had a natural birth but I had a second degree tear and couldn't sit down or lie down properly without being in pain for about 3 weeks 🤢

Getting used to completely different sleeping patterns was truly hard in the first few weeks, I was absolutely exhausted as I was doing all night feeds and my partner was getting up and doing the nappy changes whilst I was preparing bottles. But I have never felt exhaustion like it.

It's hard on a relationship too when you first bring your baby home as you are both clueless and learning on the go, nothing exhausted and overstimulated. You end up having silly little arguments but it's just because you are so tired.

When people tell you to sleep when the baby sleeps its not always so easy as you need to put washing in, do the dishes or finally eat yourself!

Trying to figure out what every little cry means is hard work in the beginning too. Everyone says you will just know... you don't. Its taken me 4 months to know for sure 😅

At some point you settle in to a routine and it starts to feel like you've got this and you are amazing (and I truly believe every mum is amazing). It goes by so fast though and I never thought I'd say that as I thought people made that up.

I thought I'd get a bit bored but most days fly by and I wonder what happened to time. It's been 4 months now but it genuinely only feels like 2 months have passed.


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