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Introducing the Mad-house of Animals

Here is a little introduction to the crazy animals I get to enjoy the presence of in my life! Above are Lupin and Luna whilst below we have Lacey and Milo!

Lupin (the pure black cat) was the first pet to grace this household and he was the cutest little kitten! Don't get me wrong I still think he's cute... but now he is the ultimate grumpy cat. It is probably my fault because I moved out of the family home and left him with my parents who then decided he needed a friend. In comes Luna (the black and white cat), this causes Lupin to not speak to anyone for a good 2-3 weeks except for food (he will always come for food).

I know I'm biased but I think Lupin and Luna are very cute cats. Lupin is adorable as all he wants at night is to curl up and sleep with you. Luna will speak to you at any given opportunity even if she isn't one for lots of fuss (she still likes to get as near as possible).

Life with both cats was very content, but then trouble struck the household... my parents got a puppy! The arrival of Lacey caused quite the stir with the cats. Neither of them spoke to my parents for a month at least, they refused to go anywhere except the spare room (essentially my room). Lacey is the most gorgeous pup though, I adore her and her crazy ways (I'm still sure she has the devil in her in the morning and on a walk). Even though she broke my shoulder in 3 places I still love her unconditionally and just want to give her all the cuddles.

Just over a year ago my parents decided that Lacey needed a companion and the rescued another puppy called Milo! Since they got Milo everyone thinks that he is the girl and Lacey is the boy (he is such a pretty dog though... I suppose it's the Saluki in him). Milo is the most affectionate dog you could ever meet, hes always happy to see you and loves a good cuddle on your lap (he's really not the size for a lap dog but who cares when you get puppy cuddles!), he also loves to try and lick your face to say hello.

Life with these crazy animals is always happy as who can really be sad when they do daft things to make you smile and give you all the love they have because we are their world... and let's be honest they ae our world too!

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